Rumors say that last month Whitney Houston spent 2 days in a crack house on a crack binge. Family members (especially her mother) are worried that she is gonna have an Overdose at anytime. Not even husband Bobby Brown likes to be around her too long, because she is so irritable and has a short fuse. She spends most of her time locked up in her room and she is reportedly going broke after spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on drugs. Family members are worried that her daughter will be the one to find her if she overdoses and are at a loss because they dont know what to do to help her. Money has gotten so tight for Whitney Houston & family that she had to fire all of her help (assistants, house cleaners, ect) due to lack of finances. As a result sources close to Whitney Houston say that the mansion they live in is a mess, with garbage piled up and overflowing in the bath tub. Its a damn shame to see a once pretty black woman, turn into a skinny mal-nourished looking crack-head. I wish the rumors werent true , but Its pretty clear that she is on something. I pray the sista gets her act together before its too late. The below pics are from last month at 4am. She got caught at a gas station at 4am and reportedly has high on somethin'. Crack is whack.

Whitney Says "Kiss My Ass"
1 comment:
yup. She look worse than a gremlin. Toe up from the floor up. Say No To Drugs.
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