In the next installment of Spider-Man (Spider-Man 3) , Spidey will turn black, and evil and will be fucking up shit. An alien symbiot (aka Black Goo) consumes Peter Parker and as a result he and Spider-Man will be doing some off the hook shit. He will almost kill his best friend, loose Mary Jane and almost loose everything he dearly loves. Sorry if I just spoiled the movie for you (actually I dont care if I did, cuz the store is almost straight out the Spider-Man comics so the store aint 100% secret, althrough some of it is). Spider-man will be battling Venom, Sandman , and possibly Mysterio (rumored villian) and also his best friend Harry (no he aint the Hobgobblin, or Green Goblin, but he will be using his daddy's (Green Goblin) arsonal to try and kill Spidey, but his plan back fires when black Spider-Man almost kills him. Peter Parker will be full of hate when the black symbiot consumes him and it will be fun to watch him act a foo. Release Date is May 4th, 2007. Stay tuned. CLICK THE PIC 4 THE NEW TRAILER.

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