Essence Magazine August 23,2006
The newly famed singer/songwriter has came out of the closet and announced that he is gay. The multi-platinum recording artist sat down for the October issue of Essence Magazine last week and announced the shocking news stating, "Yes, I am gay, and I have always been." After several internet rumors have been circulating around the internet. He also said, "You now this world we live in is full of judgement, resulting in one of the reasons why it took me so long to come out of the closet." Earlier this month, a man by the name of Derrick Johnson claimed that he had an intimate relationship with the singer during there teen years in high school. He also said that for months the singer and Def Jam has been trying to pay him to keep quiet over the ordeal. Worrying that it would destroy his image. Ne-yo responds saying, that the relationship did occur and he is no longer ashamed of saying that he was deeply in love. Reciting "That situation was what inspired me to write the song Unfaithful (Rhianna). But no one knew it was actually about myself, and our relationship." He told Essence that he doesn't care anymore, he was tired of living a lie and is ready to come clean. Quoting, "the music industry can either except me for who I am, or desert me." The full interview with the magazine is expected to hit stands mid-October.
Barbra Stradoff,
Essence Magazine
gay or not u are the best
you know that most of your fans are ladies and your gonna lose them knowing that your gay.
you know that most of your fans are ladies and your gonna lose them knowing that your gay.
omfg ne-yo cant b gay i well love him !!!!! oh whu cares i love ya bbe n will wether ur gay or not
love ya kaylz xxxx
I am a gay male myself and am very proud that he had enough courage to go and tell people as it is not an easy thing.
For those ladies who will stop liking him becuase he is gay then you never really liked him or his music you only liked what image he was forced to portray..shame on all of you who will disregard his talent becuase he is gay.
Being gay is not a is how some people are bortn like some people are born with red hair and others with blonde hair..dont b hating
Ne-yo is an amazing artist and one fine a$$ gay man.. I hope to meet him some day
eh i dnt thnk he's rele gay..cld be another stupid rumor tht ppl keep beleiven..but he iz i will stil luv him
i mean if
When i first found out that he was i was shocked but for him tell everybody shows you that he is a real man.
that is a shock i wonder if his sister is a lesbian anaway his songs went from great to *@#!
neyo is one fine ass dudee ..
and those who hatin need to hop off his nuts ..
like his music is hOWt
im bi and proud ..
++ rainbow pride ++
but gay or not .. id still tap dat !
Boooy you are the meaning of sexy wit yo sexy self yuon know it really could have worked out between us iiii really hope it an't true bo i really hope it ain't true oh yeah maybe you should go on tv and tell the truth.But if it an't true let two grown healthy people do what grown folks do. Oh yeah you looked extra fine in stomp the yard...
U kno we all hav secrets in our lyf n weitha ur gay or not Neyo im still gonna b 1 of ur Biggest fans who's gonna always liv u nd ur musik. Even if sum of da fans stop likin u or stop representin u 4 u bein gay, den dey were bein da fake 1's b-cus dey only liked u b-cus of ur luks. Luks isn't evertthn in lyf. So even though ur gay i: Tarjenay Smith am still gonna b 1 of ur BIGGEST fans who's gonna luv u. Bye 4 now neyo!!!!!
big deal his gay
there r so many other well talented gay artists
first and formost who did not know he was gay i mean really he looks it and acts it so what who cares we dont care ashanti screwed her way to the inc with a married man we dont care half these entertainers do dirt and we ignore it leave him alone let him be he's a rich gay man keep doing you ne-yo
My thing is....who cares!!!
the only reason the media keeps us up to date with who is gay and who is sleeping with who and yada yada, is because we as a group feed into the information that they give us! once we stop feeding the fuel the fire will go out!
Leave the man or not he is still a very talented artist, his lifestyle preference does not make or break his talent.
I applaud that fact the Ne-Yo had the courage to step out and let the world know who he really is. As long as an entertainer is providing me with the entertainment I enjoy, I could could less about their sexual preferences. For those who stop buying his music and supporting him as an artist are not being true to themselves. I hope he continues to write the music that motivates us and in many scenarios it is the music that brings us together and gives us all sense of peace, hope, enjoyment as well as the feeling that we are not alone no matter the race, religion or sexual preference. As for those in the music industry, I always here them say that music is not the same because artist are not being true to themselves and the culture; Well here Ne-Yo is now being true to himself by no longer hiding who he is because of fear and judgement. So we should now mbrace and continue to love him for who he is and what he has done for music.
being gay is a
crime, it's actually
a grotest sin to
God, and as far
as the people who
think they are born
gay u still made the
choice. Now the world
will forever label u
according to how u like
sex. Ok gay's is that how
u like it? That's nice that he
came out but he should of kept it
ARE Yall seriously just realizing this dude is gay because he just now "came out"??? Tsk, Tsk. Look AT HIM---You can tell he is gay? Does it take away from his talent? HECK NO, I'm still a fan. the boy is gifted!!! I have always known he was gay. He was on Showtime at the apollo a long time ago with a guy group and he was FLAMING them. He has some FLAMING HAIR and his pout was just crazy! Nothing new--still a fan
hey 1:23 PM
Anonymous said...
fuck you and your god
So wat if neyo gay datz my nigga and his music still hot, and im a stud and love bein gay
omg isz he gay r not listen/read da lyrics im comin out n ull see dat supposabley chris brezzy n neyo go out isz it true i wanna no
NeYo announcing being gay was a very brave move on his part. What really matters in all of this_ He is still a wonderful singer and songwriter. He has always had a unique image. When a Man is inspired the way he has been, its for a reason Whatever his reasons has been has brought enjoyable and delightful results. Remember we are not the judges, yet we are indeed to be judged! NeYo, do what you do. I and many, many others enjoy your music.
if ne-yo is gay ,i'll b reli dissapointed but hiz musics still live xxmwahxx
(wotz gwarnin wid dat jawwwww back)
well hes not goin 2 lose me as a fan evs
he was d bes
stil is d bes
an will alwayz b d bes
love ya neyo
cant wait 2 c u in trinidad come boxin nite
This is so stupid! How do u know that ne-yo said he was gay?!! If the words didn't come out his mouth then. How in the. hell do u know he's. Gay???!!! U can't believe everything in a magazine!! Sometimes people lie and essence magazine is damn good at it!! So fuck all the haters that wanna b him and think he gay!! He is not gay! That shit can really piss people off!!! And this website is racist!! If u were 2 look at the top of the page where the title is it says
look wat this bitch wrote "You now this world we live in is full of judgement" now if you look at this sentence sumone is full of shit cus it say you now!!! yall see dat..some one typed this because they was a hattin ass bitch!!!! lien asses and this was posted in 2006 and he was on the tryra show in 2007 statin to da wrold he wasnt a fag....ya dumb hoes quite on my husband!! and if this nigga was gay since his teen yours y he got a son...and y was he a sex feen for ladies!!!!oooh lord help me now i"ll tell ya whos gay lil wayne and his daddy,p didass,willsmith,the game who used to be a stripper,wanda sykes,50cent,michael jackson duh,usher,b2k,marques houston,and many more because in tha industry some people have to sleep with their managers to promote the music and are raiped by there managers at a young age...s0 yall lil new age children better get yo facts on these new young niggas cuz alot of them are straight up fags
A rumor being e-mailed around this week, and attributed to “Barbra Stradoff, Essence Magazine” is that Ne-Yo is gay and finally coming out of the closet in the pages of the publication’s October issue. But according to the magazine, the rumor is 100 percent false.
“This story is not true. Ne-Yo isn't even in our October issue, and there's no one here by the name of Barbara Stradoff,” a rep for Essence told EUR.
Hello, I do not agree with the previous commentator - not so simple
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