Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Diddy's Albumn Press Play Hits The Net..
The album hasnt even been released in stores yet, but as with every album and DVD the internet gets it first. Im not a music fan of Diddy, but this CD is okay. I give it a C+. Lots of super stars on here including Mary J. Blidge. Download the entire album and peep it for yourself. Enjoy. Click Diddy's Picture above or Click Below
Friday, October 13, 2006
In the "dueling pianos" scene of Who Framed Roger Rabbit, did Donald Duck call Daffy Duck a "NIGGER"? You make the call after you see the video. Here is the actual text from the dialog between Daffy and Donald Duck. Look's like Donald Duck is a racist muthafucka. If I woulda been in that club I woulda beat Donald's ass back stage and would have dropped a big ass 2 ton ANVIL on this fuckas head.
Daffy: I've worked with a lot of wise-quackers, but you are dethpsicable!
Donald: God damn stupid ******! I'm gonna WAAAAAAAAGH!!!
Daffy: This is the last time I work with someone with a speech impediment!
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Essence Magazine August 23,2006
The newly famed singer/songwriter has came out of the closet and announced that he is gay. The multi-platinum recording artist sat down for the October issue of Essence Magazine last week and announced the shocking news stating, "Yes, I am gay, and I have always been." After several internet rumors have been circulating around the internet. He also said, "You now this world we live in is full of judgement, resulting in one of the reasons why it took me so long to come out of the closet." Earlier this month, a man by the name of Derrick Johnson claimed that he had an intimate relationship with the singer during there teen years in high school. He also said that for months the singer and Def Jam has been trying to pay him to keep quiet over the ordeal. Worrying that it would destroy his image. Ne-yo responds saying, that the relationship did occur and he is no longer ashamed of saying that he was deeply in love. Reciting "That situation was what inspired me to write the song Unfaithful (Rhianna). But no one knew it was actually about myself, and our relationship." He told Essence that he doesn't care anymore, he was tired of living a lie and is ready to come clean. Quoting, "the music industry can either except me for who I am, or desert me." The full interview with the magazine is expected to hit stands mid-October.
Barbra Stradoff,
Essence Magazine
Blame It On The Boogie -J5
GHOSTS - Michael Jackson 40 minute Movie/Music Video
SCREAM - MJ & Janet Jackson
Speed Demon - MJ (Moonwalker Movie)
Thus far Idlewild has been getting good reviews and is doing okay at the box office. Considering its only playing at 973 theaters and has made 5.7 million dollars thats very good. All the other movies in the top 5 are playing at around 3,000 theaters. Anyways IDLEWILD is the #9 movie. Black people seem to like it though. If you want to see the movie just click the link below.
P. Diddy Peein' (I can totally relate to this, Diddy hit it right on the
Diddy Drunk clownin Linsey Lohan and Jessica Simpson
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Spike Lee definately has a mouth piece on him, and is notorious for making excellent movies and speaking his mind. Often times both black and white people be wishing the brutha would just be quiet. At least he aint a punk about it. He aint scared to piss off white or black people. Keep doin what you doin spike. His new movie is on HBO, so those that dont have HBO can download the entire movie below. Dont the brutha look like a hound dog in that picture above & look at that big ass watch, GOT
Part 1
Part 2
01. Intro 0:54
02. Interlude 0:21
03. Slow Down (ft. Young Buck & Doc Brown) 3:45
04. Interlude 0:18
05. Goodbye 5:05
06. Interlude 0:23
07. Let's Stay Together 4:35
08. Interlude 0:27
09. Biggie Nigga 2:40
10. Interlude 0:26
11. Ghetto Superman 4:21
12. Interlude 0:28
13. S.E.X. (ft. Lala Brown) 3:18
14. Interlude 0:25
15. Down Here, Up There 3:13
16. Interlude 0:30
17. The River 3:13
18. Interlude 0:21
19. Still Here (ft. Three 6 Mafia & Project Pat) 4:47
20. Interlude 0:27
21. More Than A Girl 4:16
22. Interlude 0:26
23. Stingy 4:11
24. Interlude 0:22
25. Radio 3:35
26. Interlude 0:59
27. Keep Ya Head Up 3:46
28. I'll Always Love You 4:53
1. Call Her a Bitch
2. Blow the Whistle
3. Burn Rubber, Pt. 2
4. Keep Bouncin'
5. Pimpin' Forever
6. Money Maker
7. Strip Down
8. Nothing Feels Better
9. Sophisticated
10. Playa
11. 16 Hoes - Jazze Pha,
12. Baller - David Banner,
13. Sadity
14. I Want Your Girl - Dolla Will, , ,
15. It's Time to Go
16. Shake It Baby
Sunday, August 13, 2006

Before Somethin' Somethin Dookied on the floor on the last episode of Flava of Luv, she was an internet hoe. Not that this is a shock or even a big deal, but still just in case ya'll didnt know what type of girls was on this highly respectable show...NOT. Pretty much all the heffas on this show are STANK in either appearance, attitude or both. Notice how the ones with the STANKIEST attitudes will last the longest on the show. The quiet and boring ones get kicked off hella fast. To get on the show and last as long as possible on the show u gotta start some shit, be an instigator, act like a hoe, be trashy or just all of the above. STANK is the key to your longevity. Imma tell u right now this girl SOMETHIN' SOMETHIN is currently the biggest star on the show besides Flava Flav. She definately gonna be around till the very last few 2 or 3 girls. Then she will probably get kicked off like on the 2nd to the last or last episode. That big girl is definately gonna get the boot too, cuz she kinda sloppy lookin. No I dont have anything against her or big girls (I luv me a woman with some meat on her, so no I aint hatin' on her, Im just speaking from the point of VH1 and the viewers - unless she steps up her STANKINESS, she gonna get the boot soon). This girl Somethin' Somethin, is very stank & triflin. Peep the pics below if u dont believe me.

Mr. Kanye West proposed to his girlfriend of over 4 years recently while they were over seas. No she aint some famous celebrity, no she aint that ugly girl Pam Anderson either. He is marrying the girl (Her name is Alexis) that was with him before he became a superstar. I wish them the best. U GO BOY.
I dont know if these 2 heffas will ever get married, but no matter what, Beyonce' still continues to entertain the public with her music and videos. Peep how she handle's this reporter's (a brutha) question about her personal life. In yo face **Click The Below Pic**
Saturday, August 12, 2006
and the how to Book....Thank you so much white man.
Friday, February 24, 2006
In the next installment of Spider-Man (Spider-Man 3) , Spidey will turn black, and evil and will be fucking up shit. An alien symbiot (aka Black Goo) consumes Peter Parker and as a result he and Spider-Man will be doing some off the hook shit. He will almost kill his best friend, loose Mary Jane and almost loose everything he dearly loves. Sorry if I just spoiled the movie for you (actually I dont care if I did, cuz the store is almost straight out the Spider-Man comics so the store aint 100% secret, althrough some of it is). Spider-man will be battling Venom, Sandman , and possibly Mysterio (rumored villian) and also his best friend Harry (no he aint the Hobgobblin, or Green Goblin, but he will be using his daddy's (Green Goblin) arsonal to try and kill Spidey, but his plan back fires when black Spider-Man almost kills him. Peter Parker will be full of hate when the black symbiot consumes him and it will be fun to watch him act a foo. Release Date is May 4th, 2007. Stay tuned. CLICK THE PIC 4 THE NEW TRAILER.

Sunday, February 19, 2006
Star Jones Is Getting Kicked Off The View
NOTE: Yup the rumors have been confirmed to be true. Guess the execs at the show felt like this sista has gotten too big for her britches..even after loosing all that damn weight. Hope the sista starts her own show on another channel. The View is a bullshit show anyways.
Star Jones may be fading from The View — sources say executives for the daytime hit are secretly interviewing celebrities to replace the diva!According to insiders, Star, 43, has worn out her welcome with her over-the- top antics after nine years on the show. Now execs are said to be going behind her back to try to replace her as soon as possible."The producers are looking for someone to take over from Star who will blend in with the other co-hosts," a show insider revealed. "They want someone who will jump into the conversation with their own viewpoint but not be so combative and stubborn as Star has been over the years."All the actresses who have been approached know this is a wonderful opportunity," the show insider added. "They are all seriously considering the job because of course it could lead to other big opportunities in the business. Who in their right mind would turn it down? Now it's up to the producers to decide who's the best choice."Star was a hit with viewers in the show's early days in 1997, says the show insider, but her on and off-air spats with co-host Joy Behar are said to have turned off her bosses. In December, the two clashed over Walters' interview of a Palestinian extremist in an Israeli jail.A rep for The View said: "Star continues to be an integral part of the show. From time to time The View approaches new talent to be substitute co-hosts."
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Is Rapper Remmy Ma Taking Steroids
White Teacher Calls Black Student "NIGGA"
I guess this white teacher just thought he was being "down with the homies". Hell To-the-Naw, suspend that NIGGA indefinately from the school district for being outta pocket. Ya'll no so damn well that if a black teacher had called a white student a CRACKA in the same manner, he or she would have be fired with the QUICKNESS. Just another reason why I will NEVA EVA EVA EVA send my unborn children to a public school..Peep The Video... Thanks 4 The Story Terrol.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Look At Beyonce's Nasty Feet..
Guess Who Is Getting Kicked Off The Flava Of Luv Next?
The Lie Detector Test
No Clock For U Nigga...Get The Fuck
Throwback Aretha Franklin
Aretha Franklin is no doubt about it my favorite female singer of all time. She is just off the chain. Hope the sista looses weight before she has a stroke or heart attack, cuz she defiantely one of the greatest of all time in the music world. What yall know about that old school Aretha Franklin. Ladies and gentlemen its time to Boogie. Peep the video.
Monday, February 13, 2006
The Best Of Uncle Ruckus
50 Cent & Samuel Jackson To Star In A Movie Together
50 Cent is in final negotiations to make his second motion picture appearance in the upcoming film Home Of The Brave, opposite Samuel L. Jackson.The plot revolves around three soldiers returning from the war in Iraq and trying to readjust to civilian life. Jackson plays a doctor who unravels during the course of the film.Other cast members include Christina Ricci, Jessica Biel and Brian Presley. The film is based on a screenplay by Mark Friedman and will be directed by Irwin Winkler.Ironically, Jackson turned down a starring role in 50 Cent's big screen debut, Get Rich Or Die Tryin', despite a longtime desire to work with the film's director, Jim Sheridan.
Jackson has stated on numerous occasions that he refuses to work with unproven rappers who earn roles simply based on their popularity.50 Cent lashed out at the veteran actor, stating that the only role Jackson was suited for in his movie was a "crackhead," in reference to Jackson's past drug addiction. Get Rich has grossed over $20 million dollars at the U.S. box office.
Home Of The Brave has a $12 million dollar budget and is slated to start filming on location in Morocco next month, with final production taking place in Spokane, Wash.
BlackBrutha Note: 50 Cent is probably sayin' "Mo Money, Mo Money Mo Money"
Is Khallid Muhammad A Racist?
Video sent by XYBORG7
The Boondocks "Lets Nab Oprah" Episode

This was another excellent episode. As with all the episodes this one has a good message (somewhat hidden). They just keep getting better and better. Enjoy.
Click Here 2 Download Episode
Dave Chappelle On Oprah
For those of you who didnt see this Oprah episode in its entirety here it is. The full 40 mins. Props to Dave Chappelle for not giving his soul to the devil in exchange for $50 million. I rather be poor than to sell my soul to the devil. I wish this talented black man would get together with some other rich black stars out there and start a black comedy channell and just destroy comedy central. Its always best to won your own. Specially when u are talented like Chappelle and can create tons of funny and original shows, cuz the brutha got talent. Handle yo bi'ness brutha. Start your own network. There is only one black network right now, and its TVone (owned by a black female billionaire...BET is owned by racists white people who like to show blacks in a negative light.) Fuck B.E.T..
Actual Photos Of African Slaves On A Slave Ship Headed To The USA

Indian Ocean: East African slaves taken aboard the Dutch HMS Daphne from a Arab dhow, November 1st, 1868.
These photographs dated 1868 reveals a very little of the terrible suffering caused to millions of people by the slave trade. This group of severely emaciated boys and young men on the lower deck of a Royal Naval ship apparently have been taken from what was a slave vessel trading illegally off the African coast headed to the Americas. The captain of the Royal Naval ship had instructions not to return the rescued slaves to the place on the coast where they had been put on the slave ship (presumably because they were in danger of being recaptured by traders) but it is not clear from the available documentation what happened to them afterwards.

Note: If A brutha could travel back in time, I'd bring an army of brutha's from the hood and have a sit down with the slave masters back then. And dookie on all of them.
Vice President Dick Cheney Shoots Man In The Face With Shotgun
BlackBrutha Note: Dumbass Nigga. Look Before You Shoot.
WASHINGTON - Vice President Dick Cheney apparently broke the No. 1 rule of hunting: be sure of what you're shooting at. Cheney wounded fellow hunter Harry Whittington in the face, neck and chest Saturday, apparently because he didn't see Whittington approaching as he fired on a covey of quail in Texas.
Hunting safety experts interviewed Monday agreed it would have been a good idea for Whittington to announce himself — something he apparently didn't do, according to a witness. But they stressed that the shooter is responsible for knowing his surroundings and avoiding hitting other people.
"We always stress to anybody that before you make any kind of a shot, it's incumbent upon the shooter to assess the situation and make sure it's a safe shot," said Mark Birkhauser, president-elect of the International Hunter Education Association and hunter education coordinator in New Mexico. "Once you squeeze that trigger, you can't bring that shot back."
Cheney, an experienced hunter, has not commented publicly about the accident. He avoided reporters by leaving an Oval Office meeting with United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan before the press was escorted in.
Kanye West Addicted To Sex & Porn?
BRIT awards favourite KANYE WEST has shattered his wholesome image by admitting he’s addicted to sex and collecting porn. The rapper, a devout Christian who takes his dear old mum to shows, says he must make love FOUR times a night . . . then again in the morning.
Kanye, up for Best International Male at Wednesday night’s show, also revealed he can’t shake off a long-term habit of looking at porn. He confessed: “When MARVIN GAYE made Sexual Healing, it was a fun song but he really had a problem with sex. And I think I have a sexual problem, a sexual addiction. I want to do it all the time.
“My only drug is porn. I have porn with me all the time.
“Whenever I go to the porn store, I call it the crack house.”
Kanye went on to reveal that he also has rude movies on the TV whenever a girl comes round to visit. How romantic . . .
He added: “That’s one of the pimp moves. If she wants it turned off, I tell tell her I don’t know who left it on. “But if she says, ‘Hmmm, what’s this?’ then I keep it playing.”
I can’t help thinking all this talking like tough guy rapper 50 CENT is a bid to give Kanye’s image a bit of an edge. He’s supposed to be the thinking man’s rapper/producer of the hip-hop world. The randy remarks come ahead of what promises to be a stunning Brit Awards performance from Kanye. He has handpicked 120 dancers to fill the stage at London’s Earls Court when he mounts one of the most lavish performances in Brits history.
He’s spent days rehearsing for his live act — which will be a medley of hits including Diamonds From Sierra Leone and Gold Digger.
KAISER CHIEFS will open proceedings with I Predict A Riot.
And this year’s bash could be just that — given that organisers have ordered in 40,000 bottles of wine.
BlackBrutha Note: If this is true, I hope the brutha gets through it.Props to Kanye for speakin' his mind and not being a punk in the face of the white media. I like to hump
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Bobby Brown's Daughter Acting A Foo' On Myspace
Message To Bobby Brown: Give that girl a good ole' down-south butt woopin. She needs it. Woop Whitneys Butt Too, while you are at
Whitney Houston's husband, R&B crooner Bobby Brown, has enough troubles, but he should check out what his kids are up to on the Internet. He might need a tranquilizer after reading the profile of his 16-year-old daughter, LaPrincia - whose mom is Brown's ex-girlfriend Kim Ward. The teen, who lists her favorite alcoholic beverage as Smirnoff raspberry vodka, entertains a battery of off-color questions:
"Would you ever be an exotic dancer?"
"Ohh yess," LaPrincia answers.
"Have you ever danced like a whore?" "Yess all the time."
More innocently, she also confesses to streaking, kissing a girl and skinny-dipping. Fourteen-year-old Bobby Jr. - also Ward's child - boasts on his profile: "i can read but i choose not to." Twelve-year-old Bobbi Kristina, Bobby's daughter with Whitney, used the toe-curling screen name "nimpho babby," and wrote: "i love swimmin with hot guys lol (memories), i love makingout, i love cheerleading, i love driving, and last but not least i love BOYS, BOYS, BOYS!!!!!!!!" Her profile was removed recently after bloggers outed her celebrity parentage.
Meanwhile, Sean Combs' 11-year-old son, Justin (screen name: "microdiddy") lists his favorite rapper. It's not his dad, but 50 Cent. He reveals that he likes "sports, girls, football, girls, football, and girls." Pastimes? "i like to chill wit my peeps.....chill wit my fam." Justin's big brother Quincy, 14, lists "Napoleon Dynamite" as his favorite movie, but apparently isn't big on books - which are "retarted/Stupid." He isn't big on spelling, either. Guess it doesn't matter when your income is, as both of Diddy's kiddies claim, "250,000 or higher."
I found LaPrincias myspace page. Here is a link to it. RIGHT HERE
kanye West's Latest Video
Is Taylor Hicks The Next American Idol?
Mary J. Blidge Performs At The Grammys
Friday, February 10, 2006
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Is This The Next American Idol?
Paris Bennet On American Idol
Kanye West Poses As Jesus For Rolling Stone
Kanye West, with a crown of thorns atop his head, poses as Jesus Christ on the cover of the upcoming issue of Rolling Stone.
The outspoken rapper defends his brash attitude inside the magazine's pages, on newsstands Friday. He is also pictured posing as Muhammad Ali.
"In America, they want you to accomplish these great feats, to pull off these David Copperfield-type stunts," he says. "You want me to be great, but you don't ever want me to say I'm great?"
West also says his hit song "Gold Digger" was the best song last year and that it should have been nominated for the Grammy's best rap song category: "That's a gimme Grammy."
Nevertheless, the 27-year-old is nominated for eight awards, including album of the year for his sophomore album, "Late Registration." The Grammys will be presented Feb. 8.
West has always been forthright in saying what he feels, most famously when he said "George Bush doesn't care about black people" during a telethon for Hurricane Katrina victims.
"If I was more complacent and I let things slide, my life would be easier, but you all wouldn't be as entertained," he says. "My misery is your pleasure."
The strangest tangent of the Rolling Stone story, however, is when West says he's addicted to pornography. He remembers first seeing his father's Playboy magazine when he was 5 years old.
"Right then," West says, laughing, "it was like, `Houston, we have a problem.'"
UPN & WB Networks Combine (No More Black Shows)
The WB's Gilmore Girls, left, and UPN's Veronica Mars will now be on the same network known as The CW. | |||
Each has since lost its owners close to $1 billion.
Now, in a surprise move that's a sign of the struggles in network television, Warner Bros. Entertainment and CBS are shutting down their also-ran networks, WB and UPN, this September.
Instead, they are jointly forming a new network, dubbed CW, to replace both. CW will inherit the assets — and most of the top shows — from WB and UPN.
The outlook for both networks was grim. Both targeted the same audience of women ages 18 to 34.
"Neither one of these businesses looked like it had a great future," says CBS Chief Executive Leslie Moonves. By creating a single entity, "We get a better network, and the stations become immensely more valuable."
Warner and CBS each will own 50% of the venture, to be run by UPN president Dawn Ostroff, overseeing programming, and WB COO John Maatta, handling business operations.
No cash will change hands. Tribune Co., which owns 22.5% of WB, will trade the stake for a 10-year deal to have CW programming for its stations in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and 10 other cities, but it will pay for the privilege.
"At this point we felt that being an affiliate was the best option," said Tribune Co. CEO Dennis FitzSimons. "Our TV stations will have a stronger prime-time lineup."
CBS will own CW affiliates in eight markets, including Philadelphia, San Francisco and Atlanta.
Despite public proclamations of support, parent Time Warner's interest in sustaining WB's losses has cooled. Last November, the company approached Walt Disney Co., offering to sell the network or partner with ABC on it, senior executives at both companies said. Disney rebuffed the offer, and Warner Bros. began discussions with CBS just after Thanksgiving.
"We recognized a while ago that the economic model of a stand-alone broadcast network that doesn't own its stations is not a good model," says Bruce Rosenblum, president of Warner Bros. Television Group.